wiki mitten finger instructions with pictures of the cable tab finish
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Decreases (every other row)
You will have (15, 16, 17, 17) more rows, so if you want the pattern to end after a big diamond (for example) you should start the decreases after row (9, 8, 7, 7) or (31, 30, 29, 29) equivalently.
REPEAT the following two rows until (20, 20, 20, 22) stitches remain on the front between the markers, and (24, 28, 32, 38) stitches on the back. Continue to do the 2x2 cables on the back every 4th row.
Non-decrease row: p1, continue in front chart until 1 stitch before marker, p1, slip marker, k4, p1, continue in back chart until 5 stitches before marker, p1, k4
Decrease row: purl 2 stitches together (P2tog), continue in front chart pattern until 2 stitches before marker, p2tog, slip marker, k4, p2tog, continue in back chart pattern until 6 stitches before marker, p2tog, k4
Decreases (every row)
To get the number of stitches on the front and back to be more similar, all sizes other than medium have some extra instructions:
Small finger setup row: P2tog, continue in front chart pattern until 2 stitches before marker, p2tog, slip marker, k4, continue in back chart pattern until 5 stitches before marker, p1, k4.
Large finger setup row: p1, continue in front chart until 1 stitch before marker, p1, slip marker, k4, p2tog, continue in back chart until 6 stitches before marker, p2tog, k4.
Extra-large setup rows: Knit the ‘large finger setup row’, then the decrease row above, followed by the ‘large finger setup row’ again. You should now have 20 stitches in front and 32 in back.
After the setup rows (as applicable), repeat the decrease row above until you have 12 stitches remaining on the front and (18, 20, 22, 24) on the back. You will end at the BOR, which is at the start of the front chart.
Cable tab
Making the tab
To finish the mittens, you will make a tab from the right side cable that will reach over the top of the mitten to the left side cable. The remaining front and back stitches will then be sewn into the sides of the tab.
Setup: Knit 1 stitch, turn work
Wrong side: S1, p4, k1, turn work
Right side: s1, k5, turn work
Keep going on this tab, cabling every four rows as appropriate (cable rows may be on purl rows), until it is long enough to reach over the top of the mitt, approximately 16 rows.
cable tab in progress on a light mitten
cable tab folded over to match up with cable on the other side
Sew tab to other side
Kitchner stitch the six cable tab stitches together with the 6 stitches of the opposite side cable.
view from the back of the mitten after the tab is sewn to the other 2x2 cable
Join everything together
Pick up (10, 12, 14, 16) stitches on the back side, and Kitchner stitch these with the back stitches.
Pick up 12 sts on the front side of the cable tab, and Kitchner stitch these with remaining front stitches.
View from the front of the mitten after sewing the back to the cable tab
mitten after the cable tab is fully sewn in
Sew in ends and continue to the thumb instructions on page 7.