Mosaic 33: snowflakes!

After making the ‘Let it snow’ socks, where I duplicated part of this pattern as a snowflake, I focus on the snowflakes in this design. I like knitting snowflakes and looking forward to playing in actual snow… The navy yarn is from Kim Dyes Yarn, colorway: String Theory-blue, yarn: sourdough sock, and the tweedy white is from Yankee Dyer Yarns, colorway: In the buff, yarn: yankee tweed

All of the mosaic socks on this blog are currently going into a big box, awaiting the day when I complete the last pattern from Barbara’s book. A few of them go in with future owners identified, but mostly I just knit the pattern at whatever size is convenient. This pair is one of the (currently two!) with a future owner identified! It’s a surprise though. Now to finish up all the rest of the socks so I can hand these ones over.