Mosaic 6

I am shocked to find, as I write this, that I only did one pair of this pattern! The reason being that I nicely charted up a zig-zag version of patterns 6 and 7, and apparently I never then knitted them. I will have to do those next, I fear.


Here you can see the torture I put the pattern through on the bottom of the sock (Opal) where I’m doing the decreases. If I were ever to write up these patterns, I’d carefully plan out something to make the bottom of the foot look somewhat decent. As it is, I fudge it. I generally knit straight up to the decreases as if they don't exist, and then on the other side I determine where in the pattern I am and knit away as if nothing happened. Thus I’m at least self-consistent (generally), such that the bottoms of the pair should match. I can’t help feeling though, that with a little bit of planning I could make the bottoms look pretty as well.