Mosaic 18: diagonal boxes

Another sock out of the cascade heritage sock yarn in red and white. I think I have enough yarn for one final pair of socks, but it might have to be a small pair-maybe another set of anklets.

This pair has the pattern going all the way around the foot. I made the heel flap a bit longer than normal, and when I continue the pattern across the bottom I only decrease every 4th row, or every time I do the second row of the white. So the decreases go on for quite awhile-at least 1/3rd of the length of the foot. The socks are quite comfortable though, and I like how they fit my foot, so I don't think it's an issue. Normally I try to do a bit shorter of a heel flap on these socks since I do the decreases more slowly. I tried doing the decreases every other row, as I would do on non-mosaic socks, with mosaic #2, but I decided that was too quick. I could try doing the decreases every third row, but that means they are constantly changing which color and row number they're in-by decreasing every 4th row I can more easily remember to simply decrease on the second white row every time.

As this is a pattern with a strong diagonal, I made sure that the second sock is the mirror of the first, so the diagonals go the opposite directions. I really like the look that gives the socks, and how the diagonals meet when you put the two feet/socks next to each other. The strong diagonal nature of the pattern also makes it a great candidate to turn into a zigzag pattern, like I did with mosaic #2 and a few others. I'd like to come back to this pattern at some point to do a zig-zag version, but for now I must press on to pattern 19!