mindless socks?

So, these were supposed to be simple mindless socks. For the most part they were, sort of? I started off with 72 stitches at the top of the cuff, but kept doing decreases as I knit the cuff, which kinda messed up the goal of these being super simple mindless socks for knitting in the dark on a car ride. The decreases really do help the sock actually fit my leg though, and since I have small ankles I decreased down to only 56 stitches right before the heel. I did a long heel flap, picking up 28 stitches on each side, and then decreased down to 60 stitches for the foot of the sock. I think this heel flap is actually too long for me, though not by much. The finished socks are also too long for me as well, so I’m hoping everything will be in good proportions for someone’s foot.