Socks on Vacay: Mammoth Caves, Joshua Tree and Guadalupe Mountians

Sorry for the long break-I was on vacation, busy knitting my socks on vacay. I got 6 pairs done in the two weeks I was gone, so not quite a sock a day! I also worked on a fingering weight sweater that’s coming along nicely, but is currently just lots of stockinette.

This installment of the socks on vacay covers Knitted Wit’s National Park yarn inspired by three parks: Mammoth Caves, Joshua Tree, and Guadalupe Mountains. I’m going to try and get Carlsbad Caverns done before the end too, at least one pair if not two (since I’ve been knitting two pairs from each skein).

Socks on Vacay thus far

I put things in the county fair!

In other news, this year I entered stuff into the local fair. It was my first time being in a fair, and the main impetus to enter was that all I had to do was leave a bag of potential objects and my contact info at my local yarn shop, and my items were magically taken to the fair, entered, and returned to me. I did stop by the fair, but it was before they’d finished the judging on knitted objects, so I didn’t know how well I’d done until I got back from the beach and picked up everything yesterday. I got 5 first places, 3 second, one fourth and one fifth, so a pretty successful first fair experience.